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Sleep Sessions

A night doesn’t have to be completely sleepless to affect you the next day. Whether you have a hard time powering down or you wake up periodically throughout the night, a lack of deep, uninterrupted sleep can leave you exhausted and depleted. Many of us simply aren’t getting the sleep we need, but there are practices that can support a more restorative rest.

These workshops are designed for anyone interested in improving the health of their sleep. While there is no “cure” for a sleep disorder, there are techniques that can support you in the midst of challenge. Every Sleep Session is unique, but they often begin with gentle stretching and breath work (pranayama) before a long guided relaxation (Yoga Nidra) and closing meditation.

Individual Sleep Consultations

While there are universal sleep strategies that can be applied and experimented with, sleep is ultimately a completely individual experience. You may be following all the “rules,” and still be struggling with sleepless nights.

An Individual Sleep Consultation will help you understand your own unique imprint and design a personalized strategy. Your consultation will be tailored to you, but you can expect to:

  • complete a sleep log

  • determine which sleep hygiene issues need to be addressed

  • receive an individual yoga, breathing, and meditation plan

  • learn lifestyle and behavioral shifts for overcoming your specific challenges
